Medicine: A Profitable Business

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Immunization against various diseases is one of the sensational achievements of medicine. They have saved a great many human lives, but waves of objections constantly arise to the immunizations of both children and adults. Why do things that have already proven themselves invite objections such as these?

Answer: At one time people did not trust medicines and immunizations and now they don’t trust doctors. After all, nowadays doctors are devoted to money, not health.

Medicine has turned into a business and most medicines are produced with the goal of making profits, not healing. Of course our world is egoistic, but in this area, people are especially susceptible.

Life is the most precious thing there is for the average person. But, he can’t entrust this to the hands of a doctor because the doctor thinks not of his health, but about money. Medicine has turned into a huge business.

How is it possible that a person is healed according to his financial ability? After all, bodies are equal, but no, the doctor skillfully examines the thickness of the patient’s wallet and warmly suggests to him what he is silent about in other cases. Everything is rotten in the world of today, and medicine is no exception.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/3/12, “The Freedom”

Related Material:
What Do You Need For The Medicine To Work?
Friends Are Healthy
The Spiritual Root Of Medicine


  1. Thank you for this question and informed honest answer. I recently left my 26 year career as a Registered Nurse for this very reason. Our health care system and corporate money mongers are in fact creating illness for profit-chronic renal failure is a prime example.

  2. I had gone to the ER a month ago because of the symptoms of RSD syndrome becoming more advanced in my body. The ER doctor hadn’t heard of RSD and asked what it was. When I told him about to research this disease he then told me “I don’t need to go there I have a medical degree.” so, you can imagine the confusion and frustration on my part when a doctor says he doesn’t know about my disease, is about to attempt to treat me for a symptom of my disease, and then use his medical degree as an excuse to not learn about it.

    This is a great example of the common and shared attitude in the medical community, their openly defiant attitude towards learning any thing new knowing there is nothing that will happen for their lack of concern for the patients best interest. It’s ok not to act as a “caregiver” when profit margins will not be immediately effected.

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