Entries in the 'Baal HaSulam' Category

Baal HaSulam’s Amazing Revelation

226Of all the great Kabbalists of the past, Baal HaSulam is the most universal. He presented Kabbalah in a scientific style, in a language that links both the ancient language, the ancient biblical approach, and the scientific, psychological, Kabbalistic approach. He interconnects it all. He made an amazing revelation!

I can’t stop admiring how he turned everything around, took it, and opened up everything! Before him, everyone was beating around the bush and did not know how to convey the methodology as if they were tasting it. But he opened it up!

Of course, he can be compared with other great Kabbalists, but in the sense of revealing Kabbalah, he certainly made an amazing step forward!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Significant Kabbalist of All Times” 12/17/12

Related Material:
Gratitude for the Path Paved for Us
The Man Who Brought the Upper Light Closer to People
Present From Baal HaSulam To The Last Generation

Angel—Mechanical Executor

568.01Question: Did Baal HaSulam have a special soul? In principle, he was like an angel.

Answer: No, he is not an angel. An angel is someone who is given something to do, and he does it without putting any effort of his own, like, say, a horse, cow or dog, like any person on the street. They obey the calls of nature that are aroused in them, its signals, and they fulfill them.

And here the man worked on himself and made great efforts! Therefore, it cannot be said that he is an angel. He is a “Man.” And an angel is a very small degree.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Significant Kabbalist of All Time” 11/17/12

Related Material:
Grow From A Naïve Angel Into Adam
To See An Angel
Angels in Kabbalah

Due to the Influence of the Light

214Question: How does it come to you that you can talk to the world?

Answer: It appears from within due to the influence of the light. I feel how it acts, enters, reveals, arranges qualities, connects them together, links all internal causes and effects, and forms such a model in you, and then you can talk.

I do it in every lesson with small steps. I cannot come to class and say old things. Never! I always go at least a millimeter forward.

Question: Do you think Baal HaSulam also kind of descended from certain heights?

Answer: I do not descend from the heights. Baal HaSulam was at the level of the Creator! At the full level, i.e., in the full scope of the entire universe—lower and higher, including everything within himself.

Question: In principle, did he attain the entire path?

Answer: Absolutely! Not only the entire path but more than that—the 10th Millennium!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Significant Kabbalist of All Times” 12/17/12

Related Material:
Spread the Spiritual Matter
Baal HaSulam’s Amazing Revelation
Rigid Connection to the World

Jerusalem: Under the Influence of Two Forces

4Question: When people living in Israel come to Jerusalem, does the upper light influence them there?

Answer: Of course, I feel it very much. Baal HaSulam also wrote that he was proud that he was able to choose Jerusalem as the place where he lived and taught Kabbalah.

He emphasized that no Kabbalist before him since the ruining of the Jerusalem temple, when the pure, altruistic force disappeared and an impure, egoistic force appeared instead, could establish his own school there.

Today Jerusalem represents the lowest, most egoistic force in the world. But at the same time there is also a positive, altruistic force. Both of them, as if from above, are in a constant battle over this city.

Therefore, Baal HaSulam was proud that he was able to create his own Midrasah (Beit Midrash) and school there. None of the previous Kabbalists could do this since Rabbi Shimon, who was forced to leave Jerusalem. The greatest Kabbalist of the 16th century, The Ari, did not succeed either. None of the great Kabbalists could do this except Baal HaSulam. At the same time, he pointed out that this place is still very egoistic, anti-spiritual, and it is felt through people.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Jerusalem Syndrome” 4/7/12

Related Material:
To The Merging Of The Higher Jerusalem With The Lower
“Jerusalem, The Heart Of The World” (Thrive Global)
The Jerusalem Post: “Passover — A Chance To Pass Over”

Influence of the Great Kabbalists

219.01Question: Did a big transformation take place in the world when Baal HaSulam died?

Answer: Yes, the world took a sharp turn in its development; it has greatly accelerated. I must say that after the death of Baal HaSulam in 1955, it was a period of the Second World War ending and rapid development beginning; the youth, the Beatles, etc., all this went forward.

The next stage took place at the beginning of the 90s: the collapse of the Soviet Union and many changes in the world. All this was preparation for the recognition of spiritual descent and the need for spiritual ascent.

Question: Why did one person influence the entire world so much?

Answer: It is not just one person. It is not a person at all. Why do you think that the world is individual people? These are not people, but a special egoistic mass that needs to be worked on.

A Kabbalist is also not an individual person; he is like a probe, a tube, that descends into our egoistic world and transfers special spiritual energy into it. Thanks to it, the world goes to its originally intended goal in the best way.

When a Kabbalist dies, all kinds of shifts for the worse take place in the world. The world is already on the path of not good, evil development, but it is development nevertheless. This is what happened abruptly, from 1955 onward. It is mutational development, a predatory plunder of nature, the American dream, and so on.

Then, from 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the common market, in general, absolutely everything. To this day, it goes on and on.

But in our time there is an opportunity to soften the path and accelerate the correction of humanity; otherwise, it will catch up with us from behind and hit us with “sticks.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How Does a Kabbalist Die?” 11/16/13

Related Material:
Identify with the Entire World
What Baal HaSulam Contributed To The Spiritual System
Twenty Years Before The War

Milestones in Changing the World

917.01Question: Who before Baal HaSulam changed the world so much that it brought certain changes?

Answer: Baal Shem Tov, and before him, the Ari, and even before that Rabbi Shimon and his disciples (the authors of The Book of Zohar), before them, Moses; before Moses, Abraham, and before Abraham, Adam HaRishon.

Comment: But there were quite long periods of time between them. And now, as it turns out—Baal HaSulam…

My Response: Baal HaSulam and Rabash are practically the same. It is a bundle. Because Baal HaSulam passed this methodology only to him, and it as if did not develop further. When I brought students to Rabash and we started studying together, then he opened it up and developed it. And now, we are in essence continuing what Rabash gave us.

Question: All in all, did it matter that Rabash was the son of Baal HaSulam?

Answer: In this case, it does not mean a physical son but a spiritual one.

Question: Let’s say, the Ari lived during the Renaissance when the world concretely changed its perception. What were the additional changes in history according to the lives and deaths of great Kabbalists?

Answer: Then there were small changes, but it does not matter because all other changes were already directed toward spiritual correction. After all, you cannot exactly impose one axis upon another like spiritual development of humanity and some of its historical milestones.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How does a Kabbalist die?” 11/16/13

Related Material:
The Exchange of Spiritual Information
A Teacher Who Is Always With You
Contact With The Teacher

Spread the Spiritual Matter

962.4Question: When Baal HaSulam asked the Creator to bring him down to a lower level, did he clothe in the animalistic mind?

Answer: No, it was the mind he had! He needed a higher spiritual level to contact his lower level.

There was a big gap between his animalistic body and his upper spirit. It is necessary that there be a ladder, a gradual restriction to such a state when you can somehow depict the upper component, the upper vision, the upper sensation in the matter of our world in something like this, even in drawings, diagrams, or figures of speech, and give it away to people so that through your deed the upper light would pass to them.

In this way, you lay down the spiritual matter for them, which gradually can even be clothed in the matter of our world. This is what he asked for. And he got it! Through him, we exist on both levels.

Question: Do you also do this kind of work?

Answer: Yes, but I cannot compare myself to such a giant. It is just a sad imitation. Of course, I am proud that I am in some ways similar to him and to my great teacher Rabash, that I am at least doing something to connect their levels with our world, with humanity.

For me, the most important thing is that the world knows about them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Mind of the Next Dimension” 9/7/13

Related Material:
Present From Baal HaSulam To The Last Generation
What Baal HaSulam Contributed To The Spiritual System
Who Are The Articles By Baal HaSulam For?

Gratitude for the Path Paved for Us

962.5There is no limit to our gratitude to Baal HaSulam for everything he has done for us, for the efforts he has invested in order to pave the way for us to the palace of the Creator. This is a man to whom we owe everything.

And his eldest son Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) continued his path, expanded it for us, and thanks to him we are on the spiritual path and hope to follow it to the very top of the world.

Before Baal HaSulam, the manuscripts outlining the Ari’s methodology were not organized and collected into one whole because some were extracted from the Ari’s grave and some from other hiding places. No one had collected them in one place and worked on them seriously to understand what they said. It was hard to even figure out how to approach them and start studying them.

It would seem that everything is so simple: They talk about working with the desire to receive at its different levels with the screen and the power of overcoming, as if about some physical laws. But the fact is that in order to understand the order of the entry of the lights into the Kelim and the relations between them it is necessary to be at a very high spiritual level.

It is impossible to study Kabbalah like physics, it requires spiritual attainment. And this, of course, is beyond one’s power. Baal HaSulam was able to do this because he was honored with the embryo of the Ari’s soul’s in him. That is, the same upper light was clothed in him as in the Ari, and he began to attain the spiritual like the Ari.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/7/22, “Baal HaSulam Memorial Day”

Related Material:
Guidelines for Achieving Unity – Selected Quotes of Baal HaSulam
Gratitude To Baal HaSulam
Baal HaSulam’s Memorial Day

Thanks to the Revelations of Baal HaSulam

917.01How many people around the world today are in genuine fear and a sense of helplessness? They do not find any justification for their suffering, they do not know what to do, or how to feed themselves tomorrow or in a few months. Some worry about what will happen to their billions, while others do not know how to live when their last pennies run out.

Everyone suffers in their own way, but no one understands how to continue to exist. And we suddenly received such a gift from above that we can look at this world with a human gaze, and not as small and unhappy, beaten animals. And all this is thanks to the revelations of Baal HaSulam that have reached us and through his soul, and Rabash was a transitional adapter between us and Baal HaSulam.

Baal HaSulam was conduit of the light from the world of infinity to us through his perfect soul, which had reached its final correction. But he asked to lower himself, because otherwise, he could not connect with people. And only after he was lowered by many degrees, he was able to write The Study of the Ten Sefirot and The Introduction to The Book of Zohar. We do not understand the degree that he had before, the greatest height, from where he could not even tell anything in words.

Which means, it was at the degree of the GAR of the world of Atzilut and above, where the light is not clothed in desires. From there, he could not address the person and be heard, and therefore, he asked to lower himself. And in fact, he fulfilled his mission, which the Creator expected from him, knowing that he would ask for it and fulfill it.

And we are at an intermediate degree between Rabash, Baal HaSulam, and humanity. On the one hand, we need to rise up to understand what Baal HaSulam said. On the other hand, we need to go down to the people and understand what they need from us and in what form they will be able to accept our message. We need to reach both of these poles, above and below.

Baal HaSulam and Rabash spoke from above. And we are at the bottom, below the Parsa, in order to be able to touch and awaken the world, and then, together with all mankind, to ascend through the Machsom and connect to the upper Malchut. This is our mission.
From a Conversation at a Meal Dedicated to the Memorial Day of Baal HaSulam

Related Material:
Baal HaSulam’s Memorial Day
Like A Caring Mother Unnoticeably Watching Us
First-Hand Method

The Man Who Brought the Upper Light Closer to People

962.4The Memorial Day of Baal HaSulam, Rav Yehuda Ha-Levi Ashlag is a special event. After all, it is dedicated to a unique person, a very special soul who descended in order to connect us with the Creator. He no longer needed this work for himself, just for us.

Baal HaSulam opened the path for the possibility of contact with the spiritual for souls who descend into this world in the last generation. It is us who are the coarsest souls with the greatest egoism, which could not be corrected until now. And our duty is to correct it with the help of the methodology that Baal HaSulam left us.

The teaching of Baal HaSulam, his method of correction, is a very great light that every person can attract to himself. Baal HaSulam spoke, explained, taught, and described to us all the steps for the proper advancement of our souls to correction, so that we could connect them together and thus realize our destiny.

Thanks to the work of Baal HaSulam, even the most ordinary person following his method can achieve connection with the Creator, as if he is an outstanding expert of the Torah. And before him, only great experts of the Torah were awarded this.

The correction of souls in the process of human development went step by step. Before Baal Shem Tov, it was necessary to be very exalted people with unusually high souls in order to attain the upper force and achieve connection with the Creator. And after Baal Shem Tov, it became easier in a way, the upper lights approached the lower souls. Therefore, low souls have more opportunities to attain the greatness of light, the greatness of the Creator.

The further humanity progresses, the easier it becomes for us to approach the sources of the upper light and reveal them.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/7/22, “Baal HaSulam Memorial Day”

Related Material:
Present From Baal HaSulam To The Last Generation
Baal HaSulam—The Channel Of Our Connection With The Creator
Gratitude To Baal HaSulam