Gratitude for the Path Paved for Us

962.5There is no limit to our gratitude to Baal HaSulam for everything he has done for us, for the efforts he has invested in order to pave the way for us to the palace of the Creator. This is a man to whom we owe everything.

And his eldest son Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) continued his path, expanded it for us, and thanks to him we are on the spiritual path and hope to follow it to the very top of the world.

Before Baal HaSulam, the manuscripts outlining the Ari’s methodology were not organized and collected into one whole because some were extracted from the Ari’s grave and some from other hiding places. No one had collected them in one place and worked on them seriously to understand what they said. It was hard to even figure out how to approach them and start studying them.

It would seem that everything is so simple: They talk about working with the desire to receive at its different levels with the screen and the power of overcoming, as if about some physical laws. But the fact is that in order to understand the order of the entry of the lights into the Kelim and the relations between them it is necessary to be at a very high spiritual level.

It is impossible to study Kabbalah like physics, it requires spiritual attainment. And this, of course, is beyond one’s power. Baal HaSulam was able to do this because he was honored with the embryo of the Ari’s soul’s in him. That is, the same upper light was clothed in him as in the Ari, and he began to attain the spiritual like the Ari.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/7/22, “Baal HaSulam Memorial Day”

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Baal HaSulam’s Memorial Day

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