By Sacrificing, We Gain

528.04Question: It is said that every friend is obliged to fulfill his neighbor’s needs and leave oneself lacking. What do we sacrifice in the ten for the sake of our friends?

Answer: In the ten we must sacrifice ourselves to get closer to our friends and merge with them.

In principle, we do not sacrifice anything because, after all, we begin to understand that what previously seemed to us as an acquisition is, in fact, now like a prison. Therefore, we only gain by sacrificing for the sake of our unity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Love of God and the Love of Man“

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The True Meaning Of Sacrifice
The Essence of Sacrifice
A Small Sacrifice For A Great Goal

Where Can We Get Fuel for Bestowal?

275However, we should know that one cannot achieve this on his own. Rather, it is said about that (Kidushin, 30), “Man’s inclination overcomes him each day and seeks to kill him” (Rabash, Article 16, 1984, “Concerning Bestowal”).

Question: Where can I get the energy to act for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: Ask the Creator. If the Creator wants you to have such an opportunity, He will give it to you.

Question: Why is it so arranged that I have to ask the Creator for fuel for the action of bestowal? After all, the Creator wants a person to be independent and free. Why can’t I reach this state myself?

Answer: Because you should feel what you get, what it gives you, what you achieve.

The Creator wants us not to be just independent, but independent in our egoism; otherwise, He would have created us differently. We are created to think only of ourselves. For example, when you think about someone else, you involuntarily begin to feel that you are thinking about yourself. This desire to think about ourselves and not about others is our nature, egoism. Therefore, we must come closer to the Creator and try to bring Him contentment by thinking about Him.

Question: Is it possible to bring contentment to the Creator directly without bringing contentment to the other?

Answer: The Creator is also the other.

Question: Does it mean that doing something for the sake of the other or for the sake of the Creator is the same thing?

Answer: It is not exactly the same thing. The difference is in scale. This is not easy, but in principle, it lies within the same boundaries.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

Related Material:
Pray For The Internal Power Of Bestowal
For the Sake of Connection with the Creator
Demand and Receive!

Old Souls

963.5Question: The Creator led the people out of Egypt by a long path. Does this mean that after exiting Egypt we must also go through a long path?

Answer: After leaving Egypt, we are still wandering all over the world.

Question: It turns out that if we are still wandering, then each of us has already been engaged in attaining the Creator and studying His laws in the past?

Answer: Yes. Today, there are no new souls in the world at all. We must understand that everything is prepared for us to enter the last, final stage of correction.

We just need to connect with the spiritual root to which we belong. This is enough to enter a state called the Final Correction (Gmar Tikkun).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

Related Material:
Never-Ending Exodus From Egypt
Exodus From Egypt In Each Generation
The Daily Cleanup In The Heart

Spiritual Salary

627.1Likewise, if the feet walk and the hands buy and give the food to the brain, the brain has the strength to think (Rabash, Notes 503, “Partnership“).

Just as the body with all its organs depends on the command from the brain, so in a family, the husband and wife complement each other, create a family, and everything else moves according to their mutual work.

Question: Who in the family is the brain, who are the hands, and who are the legs?

Answer: In the family, the woman does more work. And the husband brings her his salary.

Question: What kind of spiritual salary could a husband have?

Answer: The spiritual salary is what they create as a family; they give birth to children, raise them, and build a home. In general, everything they do, they share between them. To the extent that a woman desires to know what her husband studies, she gradually learns.

Question: And is this related to everyday life, to simple things?

Answer: Precisely to simple things in everyday life. If the wife does everything necessary for the husband so that he has food, health, and strength for work and study, then, from that she receives her share, not only in preparing and maintaining the home, but also somehow belonging to spiritual attributes.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 4/2/24

Related Material:
The Task of a Lifetime
A Spiritual Family
The Secret of Our Relationship

The Sixth Day of Creation

715Question: On the sixth day of creation, man was created. It is interesting what the Creator said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” What does this mean?

Answer: After all inanimate and living creations, man is created in the image and likeness of the Creator. This means that man is created in such a way that he can literally grow from scratch to become like the Creator Himself.

Question: We usually say that the Creator has no image at all. What is meant by being in the image and likeness of Him? Let’s say it is about similarity in qualities; this somehow could be understood.

Answer: Of course, when a person forms a likeness of the Creator within himself, he takes upon the influence of the upper Sefirot, the forces of the Creator, and thus builds out of himself all the emanations, all the actions, of the Creator so that ultimately he acquires the quality of similarity.

In principle, it is not about the creation of man, but about the fact that on the sixth stage of spiritual correction, a person discovers within himself the strength to take all inanimate, vegetative, and animate desires, direct them toward the Creator, and thus become like Him.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/21/24

Related Material:
The Fifth Day of Creation
The Fourth Day of Creation
Second and Third Days of Creation

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/14/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Are Silver, Gold, Israel, Rest of Nations, in the Work?”

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Selected Highlights

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Israel Serves as the Center of Connection with the Creator

192The entire system through which light passes into the world to all nations depends on Israel.

Therefore the people of Israel are created so stubborn and unyielding, stiff-necked, as they say. After all, the stronger the resistance is at first, the greater the path is for light to open up later.

Antisemitism has existed in the world throughout all ages. Today it is simply exploding and bursting forth because the egoistic desire in the world is becoming increasingly aggressive and demanding. Therefore, the nations of the world demand fulfillment from the people of Israel. They believe that Israel is stealing this fulfillment from the nations of the world; all complaints arise from this.

We see that hatred of Israel is growing more and more. At the same time, it is not evident that Israel seeks to compensate for it, provide fulfillment to the nations of the world, and become the center of universal unity and connection with the Creator.

Ultimately, under pressure from the nations of the world and from above, the people of Israel will feel that they simply must unite with the Creator and that there is no salvation otherwise.

Therefore, the people of Israel should preempt the blows with the remedy: study the system, learn what passing the light to all creations depends on, and how to begin and end this work to try to fulfill their mission.

The nations of the world see Israel as a source of evil and therefore seek to destroy it. After all, if Israel does not fulfill its role of serving as a source of goodness, it turns into a source of problems. Therefore, the nations of the world accuse Israel because they feel that fulfillment does not come from it to them.

The people of Israel do not understand their mission and do not want to know about their obligations to the nations of the world and the Creator because this imposes obligations on us.

The unity of the whole world depends on the Jews whose entire Torah speaks of love for one’s neighbor as oneself. This method, this rule, we must pass on to all nations, and then the whole world will be corrected.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

Related Material:
Israel on the Future of the World
For the Unification of the People of Israel
The Land Of Israel On The Map And In The Soul

Action Aimed at Correcting the World

219.01Question: Rabash said that one can only correct oneself and that it takes much practice to gain control over one’s egoism. Why would we correct others if they will automatically correct themselves when we do?

Answer: Our correction depends on the connection between us. Therefore, dissemination is a very important action.

We do not take any obstacles into account but only wish to disseminate Kabbalah as a teaching about the correction of humanity and its elevation to the highest level—the level of the Creator.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

Related Material:
Everyone Will Be Corrected
How Can We Correct The World?
You Correct the Entire Creation!

The Fight for Unity

938.05Question: What will help us reach unity in mind and heart so that the Creator will elevate us to the next degree?

Answer: Fighting for unity in mind and feelings means that we must in any circumstance think only about unity because only based on that can we influence the Creator, our state, and move toward the upper purpose.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam Letter 10

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Either Unity or Death
Effort Is Work toward Unity
Unity Now and Forever