Either Unity or Death

931.01Question: What should be the conditions for the quality of the people of Israel in us to hear the call of Mordechai: either connection or death?

Answer: We must feel that as a result of the entire historical path, we have reached a state where the Creator (nature) sets a task: either you unite with each other and become higher, more developed than everyone else, and then everything will work out, or your end will be here.

Question: The fact is that although our lives are in danger every day, we cannot say that any sensitivity has awakened in us. How can we develop it?

Answer: Special sensitivity can be developed only by all possible actions to unite. Then we will see how much they help us and benefit every person and the whole nation.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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