Man and Woman—The Force of Bestowal and the Force of Reception

562.01Question: It seems that men have the quality of annulling themselves in relation to another for the sake of a goal inherent in them by nature. We see this in units such as military special forces and so on. Women do not have this quality. Women are individualists. Is it because they have different goals?

Answer: Yes, they have different goals and different methods of achieving the goal. Nature is very sharply divided into two parts: male and female. This division proceeds from the highest point from which everything is created, to the lowest element where everything is divided into plus and minus.

Two opposing forces, the power of bestowal and the power of reception, work at all levels, in all worlds. Therefore we must take this into account when implementing the methodology of spiritual ascent to the next dimension. But for men it is somewhat different than for women.

For men, it means joining a group, studying together, and sharing a common striving toward the light, toward the goal.

For women, it is the individual help of each woman to men. They practically cannot be connected with each other. They create something like an association among themselves, but this association is nothing more than the joint exercise of assistance and support to men.

Men can’t move forward without it. It’s not just something secondary.

Question: Are women more characterized by external relations?

Answer: Yes. The inner connection appears only later, when absolutely everyone comes together as a single image of a man and a single image of a woman—Adam and Eve.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Does the Creator exist?” 5/9/11

Related Material:
What Is The Difference In Connection Between Men And Between Women?
Male And Female, Part 1
The Difference Between Male And Female Nature

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