Ask The Creator To Raise Your Friends To Him

laitman_263How can I find out what to ask the Creator? I look at others and write down in my notebook all the faults that I see in my friends and then demand that the Creator correct those qualities in me, which are the reason that I see everything upside down.

We need to do such an exercise in the ten. Everyone writes a list and addresses each position with a prayer, even several times, praying for every fault that he sees in his friends. I ask the Creator to correct me so that I will see perfection instead of flaws.

It must be a very specific prayer for every flaw that I see in each friend in order to invert my eyesight and admire the greatness of my friends. I exalt the friends and the Creator who made a correction in me, allowing me to see the ten as perfect.

What is left for me to do after I see everyone as perfect? I must now try to penetrate even more into my friends, cling onto them, annul myself before them, immerse in them, and then I will receive all of their properties as the upper nine Sefirot in relation to my Malchut, my desire to receive. I will be ready to support and help them in every way possible, and I will thus come closer to building a spiritual Partzuf.1

To stop seeing flaws in my friend is the very first correction that I start with if I want to progress. After all, this is of greatest concern to me right now. A flaw is all that interferes with our union and disallows my seeing the greatness of the friend. The friend’s greatness is that he is connected with all the other friends and with the Creator, and therefore, I want to be in connection with him.

If I correct my view so as not to see faults in my friends, I will stick to all nine of them, I will be ready to support them, that is, to work like Malchut in relation to the upper nine Sefirot. I will pray for them, do everything to serve them. I will feel that until I fulfill them, they will be unable to perform a spiritual action. Therefore, I turn to the Creator and ask for help. The ten now becomes even more important for me than the Creator and, of course, more important than myself.

All I ask is to let me fulfill them for their benefit. I ask the Creator: “Tell me, what can I do to make them appear perfect before You?” This means that I annul myself and raise my friends to the level of the Creator. This is already a spiritual state.

I see that the friends in the ten understand each other and support each other. But I seem to be standing on the sidelines and do not even understand what they are talking about, I feel no taste in the connection that attracts them so much, in mutual help. I am amazed at how they manage to feel so close to each other, a connection I am incapable of. Therefore, I ask the Creator for help, realizing that I myself will never achieve this. I see that the friends have spiritual powers because they can relate to each other in such a way. These are clearly not forces of this world, but spiritual forces that they have received from the study, the lessons, and dissemination.

But I have not received such strength, so what should I do? I do not want to lag behind. First of all, I hold back my friends, becoming a burden for the ten. I thus pray to the Creator to give me the strength to be included in my friends, annul myself before them, bow down, and turn into dust under their feet.

At first, before I started working on my correction, my friends seemed insignificant and idiotic to me. I automatically criticized everyone or at least was indifferent to them. I did not feel that everyone stood inside my heart as a special spiritual image, a Sefira.

Gradually, my view of the spiritual world begins to run through my friends. When we speak of spirituality, I no longer think of the Creator but of them. Friends stand before me like nine deities, idols. I do not know how to work with them yet, but I already see that spirituality is achieved through them, by how together with my friends, I build my spiritual picture. They currently obscure spirituality from me, but they are on the way there, pointing me in the right direction. And this is already progress.2
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/20,Preparation for Convention
1 Minute 62:00
2 Minute 1:14:00

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