Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/3/24

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Plagues For Collective Egoism

963.5Question: What is happening in the world now, wars, earthquakes, natural disasters, are these the plagues that our collective egoism must experience before the common exit from Egypt?

Answer: Yes and no. Imagine that, to put it mildly, these troubles that we have received over all the past centuries are necessary to correct our egoism.

Therefore, the Creator delayed the tribe of Israelites and did not allow them to immediately approach complete correction; this is because they did not yet have a complete Kli, i.e. regret and atonement.

Now it seems that we already have this. I think that if today our people rose up as in those days, we would certainly reach the place of the holy Temple and quickly erect it.

Question: What prevents us from rising? Lack of unity?

Answer: We lack everything. Absolutely everything. The most important thing is the connections between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

Related Material:
Disasters In The World Are Modern Egyptian Plagues
The Ten Plagues Of Egypt
Plagues For The Sake Of Future Life

In One Common Circle

944Question: On one hand there is a union of language, silence. On the other hand, there is a great desire to speak, to spread. How can we combine these two great desires?

Answer: First there should be a desire to unite in tens, then in hundreds, in thousands.

If people have such an opportunity, then they should expand the circle in which they are more and more, wider and wider, until this whole circle includes all of humanity.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Three Prayers – 2”

Related Material:
Strengthen the Circle of Bestowal
The Entire World Is Like One Big Circle
In A Single System

The Main Focus of Efforts

625.07Question: How can you change an egoistic prayer into a correct one so the Creator begins to act?

Answer: The desires we feel in our impulses are neither egoistic nor altruistic. It is just a feeling of being created as I am, and this is my desire.

Afterward, through our development, we give the desire a vector when we direct it at the ten, the whole of humanity, and the Creator.

That is how we want to see the whole system: man, the ten, humanity, that is, the entire world Kli, and the Creator together. That is the main focus and goal of our efforts.

Therefore, we must imagine the picture we want to achieve during prayer.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Three Prayers – 2”

Related Material:
Despair And Confidence: The Components Of A Prayer
Learn The Actions We Must Perform
A Prayer Requires Constant Intention

For the Sake of Connecting with Others

938.01Question: The physical body does not let go of the desire to receive for its own sake. What can be effective here in order to still be able to get out of it?

Answer: Connect with your friends and perform this action together with them.

It will not work out if you are alone because everything is built so that a person learns to neglect himself for the sake of connection with others and can connect with them.

Question: Which is more important: the effort to find out the conditions or the effort to make them change faster?

Answer: Both are hard. But first you need to clarify the state itself, get disgusted with it, rise above it, contact the Creator, and ask Him from there to allow you to raise all your qualities to this degree.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/25/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman from the Torah, from Where?”

Related Material:
Get Closer to the Desires of Your Friends
What Does Connection with the Friends Reveal?
Grab Hold of the Friends

Questions about Spiritual Work—112

549.02Question: What are gates in spiritual work?

Answer: The gates in spiritual work are the restrictions a person must go through when performing actions to unite with the ten and the Creator.

Question: How does our work with restrictions make something in us from which the quality of mercy comes?

Answer: The fact is that we are dealing with qualities in which the upper light is. And it sanctifies, corrects, and unites us.

Question: What is it to love spirituality and strive for it?

Answer: I cannot explain what it means to love. No one can do it. Try to understand from your own experience.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Purpose of the Work – 2”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—111
Questions about Spiritual Work—110
Questions about Spiritual Work—109

What Can I Do for the Creator?

163Question: The main idea of Kabbalah is to bestow to the Creator. Can you give an example of what it means to bestow to the Creator? After all, it is not some object, but the whole of nature.

Answer: Bestowing to the Creator means fulfilling, for His sake, the conditions and the actions that He wishes to see, feel, and receive. Then these actions are called bestowing to the Creator.

Question: What are these conditions and actions?

Answer: If you knew the needs of the Creator, then you would start looking for what you can bestow to Him.

Question: Let’s say, I know that bestowing to the Creator means bestowing to my neighbor. If I act this way toward my neighbor, does it mean I am bestowing to the Creator? But where is the pleasure in this? I am not enjoying it.

Answer: No but you start to think: what can I do for the Creator? There are only two actions here, receiving or bestowing. Nothing else.

Let’s say I can give, since this is closer and clearer to me. If I give to others around me, I elevate them and welcome them; they appear bigger and higher in my eyes than others. This is bestowing.

Question: What can I give to my neighbor?

Answer: Anything. You need to find out what they desire.

Question: Let’s say I found out what my neighbors desire and I give it to them. As I do this, I imagine that I’m fulfilling the commandment of the Creator. Is that all?

Answer: Yes that is all. Is that not enough? Imagine if someone did that for you!
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

Related Material:
Kabbalah Teaches Us How To Receive In Order To Bestow
For the Creator’s Sake
What Can Bring Contentment to the Creator?

The Creator Will Rescue Us from the Abyss

237Question: It feels like we overcome weaker desires only to uncover a new layer of stronger egoism. Is this how we reach the abyss?

Answer: Yes, it is said that whoever is greater than his friend, his evil inclination is greater.

Question: Must a person willingly agree to enter this abyss by being confident that the Creator will deliver him from there?

Answer: Of course, we receive all our desires from the Creator, so as we ascend to Him, we must ask for His help in overcoming them.

Turn to the Creator. You have someone to turn to. He will surely hear you, and you will see the actions that follow.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Purpose of the Work – 2”

Related Material:
Signs Of The Beginning Of The Correction
This Is How You Become A Human
The Connection Of Big Egoists

The Creator’s Mercy

534Question: It is said that descents are given so that a person feels that they are in exile and asks for mercy. Why is it necessary to ask for mercy specifically?

Answer: Because it helps you when you turn to the Creator and draw His attention to you.

Mercy is when the Creator takes into account your descent and wishes to help you.

Question: But we know that the Creator always hears our prayers. What is special about the moment when He shows mercy?

Answer: When you show the same mercy to each other, then the Creator acts the same way toward you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/7/24, Writings of Rabash “The Meaning of Exile”

Related Material:
Mercy Is Contact with the Creator
Mercy for a Friend
Love and Mercy

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/3/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Jacob Dwelled in the Land Where His Father Had Lived”

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Selected Highlights

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