Love and Mercy

509Reception for the sake of bestowal is love. Bestowal for the sake of bestowal is mercy. The difference between them is that love is when you are ready to give everything, and mercy is when you as if do a favor to another.

Question: Let’s say I have received pleasure from bestowal and I must transfer this pleasure to the Creator, humanity, and the group. How can I do it practically?

Answer: You connect yourself with a group, you wish to unite your friends and direct them to the Creator in order to receive from the Creator forces that would bring you closer to each other and to all the people in the world.

In connection with the friends, you should try to reach a state where you will have a common desire to bestow, and you will be able to work with it.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/9/23, “Habit becomes A Second Nature”

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