Why Fight Our Way through Thorns to the Stars?

507.05Question: Why did nature create us to fight our way through thorns to the stars?

Answer: For us to truly master these spaces and to absorb them within us. That is why we must combine the light and shadow within ourselves and the contrasts between them. We must attain everything ourselves, then it will be ours. If it is given to us, we will not feel anything.

What is the difference between an infant and an adult? They exist in the same world, but the infant does not understand it. Whereas an adult who has studied this world feels and interacts with it.

We need to learn to interact with the world that surrounds us. We do not even feel it yet; we have not been born into it with our sensations.

We must act and then everything will be revealed. Believe me! How many times I have I talked about this but never has someone revealed something just from my words. It only happens when they make the effort.

Question: Does it matter what kind of effort?

Answer: Yes it matters! A person needs to learn this, explore this, and try to act as correctly as possible to shorten their path in time and meaningless expenditures.

Only the efforts of a person will reveal sensations to him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Overcoming Difficulties” 1/5/12

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