When You Have the Right Intention

546.03Question: Help me understand what “for my own sake” means. There is a way when you are ready to unite, annul yourself, and do everything necessary with the intention for the Creator to change your nature. The second way is when you do all actions of bestowal because you want to get to that, but you reveal that you are doing it for yourself. Which one is correct?

Answer: The correct method is the one in which you have the right intention. And the intention should be only for the sake of others.

If, in the end, you do not see yourself at all but only see how it enters into others, then your intention is correct.

Question: But then it turns out that the second way is also correct. Do you mean that you do everything for the sake of others and still realize that you acted for yourself?

Answer: No that is incorrect. You reveal that you did everything you could for the sake of others.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Lot Is an Awakening from Above”

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The Role of Intention in the Work for the Creator
Acting for the Sake of Others
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