Preserve Individuality

591Question: If we come to the common desire to delight the Creator, in what way is our individuality preserved?

Answer: Each one of us has his or her own desire. We cannot single it out and somehow outline it, but it is separate and therefore does not disappear. We constantly develop and supplement it until we begin to feel the Creator within it.

Right now we are still at the level of Nefesh (inanimate), and the next level is Ruach (spirit).

Ruach is the level at which we feel that some changes are taking place within us. Then we will become more sensitive to our states, will study them more, and understand what they are talking about and how they can be connected between us.

At this level, souls correct themselves by transmitting the light they have received to others and thus connect with everyone.

Question: Is each individual given the opportunity to manifest itself in filling others or in achieving the desire to delight the Creator?

Answer: To delight others or to delight the Creator is one and the same. Basically, this is one desire that I send outward from myself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Anyone Who Pleases the Spirit of the People”

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