Dictated by the Creator

209Question: How can we not limit the study of the Torah to previous impressions and knowledge? How can this approach be applied to all aspects of the methodology?

Answer: You will learn how to do this gradually. The main thing is not to fear a new approach and to always demand a new attitude toward the Creator and what the book says. We mean the Torah, Neviim (Prophets), and Ktuvim (Scriptures), the holy sources, because the force of the Creator is inside them, on which all other details cloth.

Question: What kind of analysis should everyone do for the light to reveal new Reshimot in them?

Answer: It depends on what he wants and how he relates to what is in the sources. The Torah is written as dictated by the Creator. Therefore, by reading it, a person can see, hear, and understand what the Creator thinks about him and what He wants to convey.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Looking in the Book Again”

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