The Light of The Book of Zohar

526Question: In order to feel what is embedded in The Book of Zohar, it is necessary to purify oneself from egoistic desires.

Can we expose ourselves to its radiance before we come to such purity?

Answer: Yes we can. To the extent that we read The Book of Zohar with the right intention, we will be purified. And when we are purified to a certain degree, then it will begin to shine on us, because The Zohar means radiance.

Question: The Book of Zohar gives a feeling of approaching the very source of the Torah and the commandments. How can this feeling be associated with the group?

Answer: Since you are moving forward with the group, you should try to connect with each other and, as an organized group, approach the inner quality of the Torah, the light.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “To Understand the Words of The Zohar

Related Material:
The Book Of Zohar—The Upper Radiance
The Secret Code Of The Zohar
The Key To The Book Of Zohar

Is Loneliness a Gift from the Creator?

564Question: The vain hare wanted a fox to guard his house. He built a booth and invited a fox into it. Since then, the hare has not entered his house. The fox would not let him in.

This is very similar to our lives. To our disadvantage, we choose all sorts of foxes to guard us, and then they drive us out of our house. They rob us and so on. And then we grieve that this is our fate. We chose them to guard the house. Why don’t we, the hares, see that they are foxes?

Answer: You desire these foxes and cannot resist them. You think your case will be better than others.

Question: Do you mean this fox will guard me?

Answer: Yes.

Question: It says very interestingly, “The vain hare wanted it.” So is there something still wrong with me?

Answer: The hare needs something more than he normally would.

Question: To avoid choosing a certain fox, I must stop being vain. So if we work on ourselves a little, who would we choose?

Answer: Proud, simple solitude.

Question: Why did you bring up this loneliness and say, “Proud, simple solitude”?

Answer: Because this is what we usually have. We are always alone both in this life and after this life.

Question: Despite having families and children?

Answer: It does not matter. You are still within yourself.

Question: Then I ask you, as a Kabbalist, where is the Creator here? I am by myself; where is the Creator?

Answer: This is what the Creator has prepared for you.

Question: Can this be considered a good thing, a gift?

Answer: Yes. You see happiness when you begin to feel that this whole world is in front of you and that you do not need it.

Question: I do not need this world. What do I need?

Answer: Nothing, you have everything—everything that was and will be—and you do not need anything.

Question: Is this what you call solitude?

Answer: This is what I call happiness.

Question: That I do not need anything, I have everything?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can we say that the Creator provided me with all this?

Answer: Yes, it is called connection with the Creator.

Question: Is this the state you call solitude?

Answer: This is a state of solitude. But it is sweet, good, peaceful for you.

Comment: We are used to dealing with loneliness. In England, even a Minister of Loneliness has been elected. The same is true in other lonely countries.

My Response: These are their problems.

Comment: People are looking for some kind of contact. They do not even look; they are alone. For them, there is an organized search for contacts to connect them with others.

My Response: This is entirely unnecessary!

Question: It is understandable for you that your internal dialogue with the Creator is this higher power. How about the ordinary person?

Answer: An ordinary person needs it too. We need to teach this.

Question: We received letters stating: “I am lonely. How can I live in this loneliness?”

Answer: What do you want from others? Do you want something played out in front of you so that you have someone to cry to? You do not need any of this.

Question: Isn’t this sad?

Answer: Not at all.

Question: Where is the joy in this? You even spoke about happiness just now.

Answer: The joy and happiness is that I can exist with myself and do not need anyone else.

Question: That is, you, in principle, are encouraging a person to find himself in this loneliness?

Answer: A person is generally lonely.

Question: Is this a formula for you?

Answer: Yes, a person must exist within himself, and then he will be fine. He should not demand or expect anything from anyone.

Question: Must he live with the feeling that he already has everything he needs?

Answer: Exactly. Prepared in advance. His inner joy and his happiness.

Comment: Somehow, I am not very comfortable with this after all. We always talk about good connections and warm relationships with others.

My Response: If you rise to another level, it is completely different. You are already talking about a method for correcting the world.

Comment: Inner peace first. That is how it turns out.

My Response: Peace in oneself.

Comment: Please connect these two worlds.

My Response: When you imagine a world where there is everything for everyone, no one needs anything, and everyone is satisfied only with what they have, you will have a really happy world.

Question: So it does not consist of many, many solitudes?

Answer: No, it consists of many happy people sitting in their little niche and feeling good. Above all, there is the Creator.

Question: That is, he does not want any takeovers, anyone’s apartments, and so on. He is happy where he is. It sounds right, but how do we come to this?

Answer: All this is on a much higher level. But, in general, yes.

Question: Can you take it one level higher or explain this one more?

Answer: We do not drag someone into a dark corner or a mouse hole. On the contrary, we want to straighten a person’s head, shoulders, and mind.

Question: Is it correct to say that each one already has everything? Is this message correct?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: That is, it is what you live for, you have everything. Happiness and joy…

Answer: Everything!

Comment: And the Creator is with you.

Answer: Just discover Him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/15/24

Related Material:
Loneliness Is Unhealthy
“Loneliness Epidemic”
“The Swedish Loneliness”

Strive Forward

527.03Question: When we study in the ten and strive for the light of The Zohar, at first, it feels like something is already happening, becoming clear, and then, there is a sudden shift in states, and it feels like the Klipot are controlling us again.

Answer: This is always the case and will continue to be so. However, you are transitioning to a different level and then to another one, as if shifting gears in a car.

The main thing is to remain calm and continue.

Always strive forward. This striving will help you adhere to The Book of Zohar, to the lesson, and adhere to me. Then everything will work out.

The Book of Zohar is for us, for our level. But to understand it, we must open our hearts.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “To Understand the Words of The Zohar

Related Material:
The Zohar Is Revealed in Me
Feel The Book Of Zohar
The Radiance Of The Book Of Zohar

The Flood and the Saboteur

547.03The flood is corporeal torments, meaning torments of the body. Within it, meaning within the torments of the body, there is yet another saboteur who sabotages spirituality ( Baal HaSulam, Shamati 104, “And the Saboteur Was Sitting”).

Question: Why did Baal HaSulam clearly distinguish between the flood and the saboteur within it? Why is this so important?

Answer: Because this is how it happens. There is a state called the flood, and there is also the source of this flood. You can call it the saboteur or you can call it the Creator because everything comes from Him.

Question: Can it be that the flood is a temporary phenomenon, while the saboteur is a constant force that affects us based on certain circumstances?

Answer: The flood and the saboteur are practically the same. It is just that when we speak about it in general, it is called the flood. But if something influences us individually, we call it the saboteur.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And the Saboteur Was Sitting”

Related Material:
New Life After The Flood
The Ark Of Unity On The Stormy Flood Of Life
A Flood Of Water In The Work

One within the Other

571.03Question: If the Torah and the Creator are one, why do we perceive them as opposites during the work?

Answer: We do not perceive the Torah and the Creator as opposites, we perceive them as one within the other.

When we talk about qualities, we refer to the Creator; when we talk about actions or what we want to achieve, we refer to the Torah, the light that influences us and brings us to the desired result.

Question: How should we correctly organize work in the group during the study when we feel this light? How do we correctly bestow it back to the Creator?

Answer: When we act among ourselves in the ten, try to come closer, unite, and hope to do so through our efforts as described in the articles about the group, then we begin to reveal the light within us, and in our unity, we try to direct it toward the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah and the Creator Are One”

Related Material:
The Creator And I Meet In The Group
The Torah Is a Gift from the Creator to a Person
The Oral Torah Is A Key To Penetrating Inside

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/4/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “The Creator and Israel Went into Exile”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 66

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Selected Highlights

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