When the Greatness of the Upper World Does Not Let Go

231.01Question: You patiently explain the same things year after year. Where do you get such patience from?

Answer: You know me. I am impatient! But I have no choice. That is an example of the greatness of the goal, the vision of the upper picture of the universe prevailing over all my animal qualities.

I am terribly impatient and harsh. I cannot stand people. I am an introvert. I have so many negative qualities I am shocked at myself.

But when I see a spiritual system, get involved in it, and work for it, then all these qualities work the other way around, oppositely. I become patient and explain the same thing twenty times. For many years now,   I start every morning and end every day like this. But it could never have happened before!

I made many revolutions in life until I came to the science of Kabbalah. I am not even talking about myself, but about the fact that this system, once revealed to you, conquers you, seemingly enslaving you. You cannot stop working for it because its greatness, harmony, and perfection will not let you go.

You cannot turn to something different because it is like falling into manure. Will you stay there? No! You still have to get up and dust it off.

While here is the Garden of Eden! True, it hurts to see it unfinished like this, but the system itself is shining on you. So you have to take an active part in reviving it completely.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Negative Properties” 1/5/12

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