Love Is Born Out of Hate

963.5Question: One boy had a very bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and said: “Whenever you offend someone, hammer one nail into the fence.” On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails. Then he began to learn to control his anger, and the day came when he did not hammer a single nail.

His father said, “Now for every day that you have managed to restrain yourself, pull one nail out of the fence.” One day there was not a single nail left in the door, he pulled everything out.

The father said, “Son, you have done a great job. But look at how many holes are left in the wood. It will never be the same again.”

The moral is this: Every time you offend someone, it leaves scars. You can take back your words later, but the scars will remain forever.

The question is, is it possible to resist offending another? After all, you say that we are egoists anyway. Can we do it?

Answer: No, every moment we try to lower others; otherwise, I do not feel that I am living!

Question: You see and feel it, but you do it anyway?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: And by this we, as if, leave scars.

My Response: This is the principle of existence of our world.

Question: It means it is all covered in scars, by and large. Are the scars in me or in the one I am lowering?

Answer: In fact, it is in you.

Question: So, these scars remain in me. If we cover our transgressions, the fact that we offend someone, as you say with love, what happens to these scars?

Answer: Then they heal! There are no traces left!

Question: So, is the assumption that it is possible to heal scars so that no traces remain true?

Answer: None of the traces.

Question: This is the most important advice! If you cover all this transgression with love.

Answer: It is said about this: “Love covers all crimes.”

Question: How can you cover with love? How can you do it?

Answer: Selflessly. That is, just love. That is all.

Question: You just now humiliated him.

Answer: No, not just now, it cannot happen right away.

Question: You felt that you humiliated him, and it made you feel bad. Is this the case in stages?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do you have to somehow evoke love for him? Can this love be evoked? It does not exist in me.

Answer: Yes, love can be evoked. From where? Because there is hate. This hatred, from the opposite side, manifests itself as love.

Question: So my hatred for this person is what causes love. At what point? Is it when I feel like I am wrong or what?

Answer: It is under the influence of the upper light.

Question: But do I need to feel something? That I want to make it up somehow, it hurts me, I feel bad, I have scars! Should I feel this?

Answer: Yes. It has to be present.

Comment: Then, this is a man before us.

In most cases, we do not feel it. Basically, we justify all the scars we inflict.

My Response: It means that we will have to check ourselves and correct ourselves a lot more.

Question: Why are we not hurt by these scars, we have so many? We have already “massacred” many people.

Answer: But we do not feel it. Our egoism erases it all carefully.

Question: When do I start to feel this, and what is it to “cover with love” hatred or dislike for the other?

Answer: I cannot say any more. Imagine that you are writing on a blackboard and then you start gradually erasing every word you say and writing the opposite.

Question: Do you mean “I hate” – “I love”? “You” – “myself,” like this?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/8/24

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