There Is No Greater Curse than Lack of Faith in the Creator

229Question: In Baal HaSulam’s article 236 from the book Shamati, it says there is no greater curse than lack of faith. Who curses a person?

Answer: His egoism, when a person does not want to use the ego. It tears us apart from each other and the Creator; egoism rebels and sometimes we feel how it curses us.

The root of the curse is our evil inclination, which does not want to agree with what we receive, but demands more for itself. To protect from this, we must become humble and make ourselves as a zero.

Egoistic qualities are against our unity. They want us to neglect the Creator and what He gives us. Every day, new sensations arise within us. That is where we must understand ourselves and where we are going.

Everything comes from the Creator. Therefore, we must justify all His actions, come closer to each other, and by doing so, kill egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “My Adversaries Curse Me All the Day”

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