So the Spiritual Vessel Will Not Disappear

509Question: What efforts are we talking about when it comes to building a Kli (spiritual vessel)?

Answer: We must build a Kli for the whole ten so that we can all fit into it together and turn to the Creator. This can only be done by connection.

Question: It is said that if you do not apply the necessary measure of effort, the Kli will disappear. What does it mean? After all, we know that nothing disappears in spirituality.

Answer: The appeal to the Creator, the desire to get closer to Him, the desire to unite with the friends, and to bring them all together eludes a person. All of this can disappear.

Question: But in any case, a person cannot lose it forever; all the same the Creator will lead him to acquire this Kli.

Answer: In the end, of course. But it is unknown how and when.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Completing the Labor”

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