Call Forth Streams Of Goodness

235We exist in a single system, and when we communicate, even just physically without understanding anything else, we still make some inclusions in this system. Constantly!

The only problem is that, usually, our connections with each other are harmful, destructive, and egoistic. We do not help each other become active, useful elements, that cause good flows in the system that would pass through us to others.

To the extent that we cause flows of goodness to others, to that extent they flow through you. People do not understand this, and when they think evil about others, they attract evil to themselves. They include themselves in an actively negative element, and all evil goes through them to others.

Such people seem to succeed in something, but they only cause harm. To feel this, we must feel the system at least a little.

Even based on the purely speculative idea that we are in an integral system, that we are its private parts that pass through flows of information and feelings, we can conclude that we know about the universe, about us, and about the global world in which we exist.

We know hundreds of scientists’ opinions on this topic that have revealed this at the biological, geological, and zoological level, from Vernadsky to the present day.

But humanity is simply spoiling the vast, kind, revitalizing environment we find ourselves in. We do the same with our spiritual sphere as we defile the globe in its pristine goodness, health, and perfection.

If a person understood what he was doing, he would remain silent and give out only such thoughts, words, and desires that move toward the goal—the complete, apparent unification of humanity in a good way.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Effective Wisdom Transfer” 12/28/11

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