Means and Effect

226Question: At what point does the attainment of the upper world take place?

Answer: Attainment of spirituality takes place when the Creator wants it to be revealed to a person. There is no definite moment.

Question: What should we strive for more: to correct our nature or to attain?

Answer: It is the same thing. Correction is the means, and attainment is the consequence. The degree of attainment depends only on a person: how much he wants to rise and become like the Creator.

Question: What do we attain when we connect with the Creator?

Answer: We attain our common Kli, the influence of the Creator on it, and how our common Kli in turn affects the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Worlds”

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