How Can You Be under Restriction?

232.04Question: How can you be constantly under restriction?

Answer: Do not allow yourself to use any desires other than the desires of bestowal. And if the Creator presses on you as if you are a visitor and the host forces you: “Try this, try that, look what I did for you,” in that case, you can take something, just so as not to break your restriction.

And then, even if you begin to try and approach the Creator to take a little more and more, all this turns into receiving for the sake of bestowal. This means that there should be work with the Creator who puts pressure on you, like a host on a guest, so that you take more and you have to check whether you can afford it.

Question: How do I do this check correctly?

Answer: Everything depends on your state, how connected you are with the Creator, and how you check the restriction so that you receive not for your own sake but only for the sake of the Creator. In addition, you can test it on the group, whether you are able to receive for their sake, but in no case for your own sake.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/4/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Prayer that One Should Always Pray”

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