All in its Time

549.02Question: Is luck related to the speed of advancement?

Answer: It is relatively. Of course, it can be said that the one who advances faster is more fortunate and one who is slower is less fortunate.

But, in principle, this is all relative because we do not count the peculiarity of everyone’s soul, what one’s work is. Some may move slower than others, but they do more difficult work.

Question: Often when I ask something, you say, “You are in a rush.” And all the time, I feel like I am late. What is the reason for this? Is this some internal time discrepancy?

Answer: No, of course, you want to rush. That is understandable. You have a desire to hasten your development. But everything will happen at the time that the Creator has appointed.

Question: But isn’t the desire to accelerate development the right desire for the soul?

Answer: This is the right desire, but you cannot just focus on it. You must think about the quality of your desires and which ones you want to raise to the Creator. So everything will come in due time.

Comment: It is just that yesterday there was one condition, today there is another, and all the time, there is a feeling that something is passing by.

Answer: That is how it should be. Every day a person is new.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Explaining the Discernment of Luck”

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