Breaking Free from the Power of Politicians

294.2Dimitry writes to you:

Michael, I have been enraged lately. Why do we succumb to politicians and propagandists who are throwing us off? They are the reason there is so much grief. You see clearly blood spilling, people killing each other, and hating each other. It is all because they are egging on, but everything is, after all, illusory and fake. We die for this lie while they get fat. They make lots of money off this bloodshed, their children roll in luxury, and they too are doing well. Why are we giving in? Where is our basic reasoning? Where is the fear?

Answer: We do not have basic reasoning. As for the fear, we are so lost we do not feel it.

Question: So they can steer us?

Answer: They can do anything.

Comment: But a person still feels it, Dimitry writes here with so much pain in this letter that people feel it and still fall for it.

My Response: Of course.

Question: What is this mechanism that steers us?

Answer: It is politics. They are not just steering a person, but entire nations and countries by any means. They know how to brainwash people who follow them as if to the slaughterhouse.

Question: What do they pinpoint in us that they can turn on and throw us into hell?

Answer: They control our little egoism, and thus we succumb to it.

Question: It turns out they are specialists? That is, they know what you keep saying, that a person is an egoist. They know it.

Answer: Yes, they know it very well and use it.

Question: Is there a way to resist? Dimitry is actually hoping you may have a solution, a way to resist all this, what to do.

Answer: Only if we truly understand our nature and how we are led will we be able to see their work for ourselves and not be on board with them.

Question: You pointed to egoism. You said: “This is our vice we need to work with.” How do you work with it to break free from them?

Answer: I think for this we just need to understand that good relations between us, between people, are above all other benefits they try to bribe us with. After all, it is always about buying and selling.

Question: So, if I have great relationships, will they not be able to steer me?

Answer: If I cherish these good relationships, they will not be able to.

Question: What kind of relationships are these?

Answer: When I realize that the best thing is to live in peace with my neighbors, when I say neighbors, I mean from everyone around me to other countries.

Comment: But it is not a secret, there is understanding in us that it is really good to live in peace with neighbors.

My Response: These are just words. There are so many ways and methods to pit one country against another, and it is very hard to stop.

Question: What should I imprint on myself, which rule or law to never circumvent?

Answer: To live peacefully is above all. This should be clear to people.

Question: Can it be imprinted, let’s say, in laws, in man?

Answer: It can be imprinted in society so if someone wants to lure one society into a war against another society, they will not succeed.

Question: Do you think it is possible to accomplish?

Answer: Yes. Peace above all. This should be the direction of our most important aspiration.

Question: Let’s talk a little above the corporeal. You have always said the Creator is associated with the word “Shalom“—peace. You tell us we are somehow attracting this state here?

Answer: Yes, you can attract a good state to yourself, gain confidence in yourself and others, and unite to never be separated or crushed. This is called the upper force dwelling among us, the upper one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/20/23

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