Shift the Focus to the Creator

527.03Question: What does it mean to be rewarded to serve the Creator not for the sake of your own pleasure but to give pleasure to Him?

Answer: It is difficult for me to translate this into a language that is understandable to your feelings. To serve the Creator means to fulfill all His desires and all the actions that He wants to receive from us in complete bestowal.

Question: But every time I fall into egoism, I care for myself and worry about myself. How do I shift the focus to Him?

Answer: Try to imagine it somehow. For example, imagine a mother with a child, how much she wants to give everything to him because he is the most precious thing to her. This is called the right attitude to the other and to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 12/26/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Matter of Spiritual Attainment”

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