Serve the Creator

115Question: Do I understand correctly that if the upper Malchut is not revealed at least to some extent, we have no opportunity to serve the Creator?

Answer: We have the opportunity to turn to the Creator and ask Him; this always works. The Creator is open to everyone and awaits for an appeal from each of us. The only thing is that we must be very consistent in this: ask, appeal, raise our offers, and requests all the time. And then, in relation to this, we will feel the attitude of the Creator toward us.

Question: Is serving the Creator a certain action? Can I ask and the Creator will do something through me?

Answer: Yes, the Creator will consistently carry out His attitude to others through you.

Question: And what does it mean to serve the Creator in a group?

Answer: First of all, it is the connection between you growing stronger and stronger until you merge into one common desire, and then you will discover the Creator in this desire.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/2/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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