On the Verge of Lishma

947Being on the verge of Lishma is a very special state. I am glad that we have achieved it, and we can already, all together, help each other and try to enter Lishma. Even just getting closer to this state is also a huge achievement.

Lishma is a quality of the Creator, but we can already grasp it, understand it, and feel it.

Concerning Lishma [for Her sake]. In order for a person to obtain Lishma, one needs an awakening from above, as it is an illumination from above and it is not for the human mind to understand. Rather, he who tastes, knows. It is said about this, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Baal HaSulam, Shamati Article No. 20, “Lishma [for Her Sake]”)

To do this, it is necessary to make efforts, pay attention, have sensitivity of the heart, and as much as possible do this jointly, together. And if with all this, we do not feel any reaction, then we can only pray, that is, ask the Creator to listen to us and teach us how to turn to Him. Then there will already be a mutual connection between us.

On the one hand it is said that the Creator hears everyone’s prayer. But on the other hand this prayer needs correction because it is not raised by everyone from the correct place. After the transgression of the tree of knowledge, we were thrown far away from each other as if by an explosion and flew in all directions.

And now we need to gradually connect back together with the additional egoism that we received during the shattering. To do this, we need to feel how far apart we are and that we cannot get closer to each other and all together get closer to the Creator.

And since we discover that we are completely unfit for this, it is necessary to raise a prayer. Prayer should be as close as possible to our common heart, to the union of our inner desires. Therefore we want to reveal all the desires of our friends and unite them in order to bring everything together to the Creator to give Him our heart.

Try to imagine such a state and stay in it all 24 hours a day. Gradually we are getting closer to such work due to the desire to help our friends and be together as one man with one heart. We are trying to take at least a small step, but together. Otherwise, it will not work; it will not cause the right reaction.
Thus we take step by step in the direction of the Creator until we feel that He is coming toward us.

To take a step together means to want to unite so as to become a Kli to serve the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/23, “On the Verge of Lishma

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Kabbalistic Terms: “Lishma”
Lo Lishma
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