The Creator Is One for All

229Comment: From a letter: “Previously, from your lectures it was clear that the Creator is for everyone. But now it is somehow becoming clear that the Jews are a supernation. Let’s get over it, Mr. Laitman!”

My Response: I would get over it, but what should I do?!

Question: And I also sometimes think: How can we get around this issue, smooth it out a little?

Answer: There is no way around it. A supernation is a curse.

Comment: They think it is a gift.

My Response: There is nothing good about this.

Question: What do you mean by the word “curse”?

Answer: That we owe everything, everything is against us. Everyone thinks we are to blame for everything.

Question: But we also have responsibility, right?

Answer: Yes, we are responsible. But we do not understand this responsibility and do not know how we can justify it.

Question: So, we do not want it, this responsibility?

Answer: Of course!

Question: And we do not want this role? But they insist and will lead us to the result anyway?

Answer: The highest predestination only places us this way, in the middle of everything that happens in the world.

We have the responsibility to set an example of correct behavior for humanity. But we absolutely do not do this! We do not do it at all.

Question: It is good connection between us and love for one’s neighbor, that is all there. Are we not getting closer to this?

Answer: No. That is the curse, that we are not getting closer.

Question: This friend also asks the following question, “It was clear from what you said that the Creator is for everyone, right?”

Answer: Yes, but this does not mean that everyone is equally good or bad.

Question: If He is the one for everyone, then why are there so many religions, beliefs, movements, and each has its own Creator?

Answer: It is in order for us to figure it all out and unite above all religions, beliefs, and everything.

Question: So, the path of all these 800 movements, tons of religions, and everything somehow comes down to the same thing?

Answer: Yes. We must rise above everything, and the Creator will be there. One for all.

Question: There is still a question about the Jews. Will this be an eternal question? Will this ever end?

Answer: It will end when the Jews will want it. That is, when they realize what they need to do and stop hiding, but act openly in front of everyone and show everyone what the method for uniting all people in the world is. This is their main task.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/13/23

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