Until We Rise to the Spiritual Degree

272Question: Let’s say one person lost a million dollars, and another lost a cup of rice. However, their inner feelings are the same. What is this feeling of emptiness?

Answer: What difference does it make who lost what and how much? The only thing that matters is how they feel it.

Question: But why does one of them need to lose such a large amount of money?

Answer: It is just a habit; it is an attitude.

At birth, all people are the same. When they die, they are also the same. Only their environment, a specific case, fate, so to speak, of one and the other give them different attitudes to the level of happiness, and nothing more.

A person is cleansed of unnecessary things, which leaves only the animalistic body and what this body needs, and everything else should be aimed at developing the spiritual degree in him. We do not need more.

We must exist in our animalistic body until we ascend to the spiritual degree, and then we will further develop along these degrees.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lost a Million” 11/6/11

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