Questions about Spiritual Work—25

934Question: What helps us reveal the forms of the Creator’s conduct in the ten?

Answer: Our desire for unification helps us. We must try to unite, and if we do it in a wrong way, the Creator will correct us.

Question: What will help me understand the difference between my daily aspiration in the ten for unification and the form the Creator seems to be showing me? What should I pay attention to?

Answer: You should pay attention to your friends. The Creator clothes Himself in your friends. You must feel through them what unfinished relationships you still have with them, and you will understand how to approach the Creator.

Question: How to be honest with friends and yet not to push them away?

Answer: For that, you simply need to raise the greatness of your connection with your friends higher than anything else in the world. As they say: either unification or death.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/3/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Preparation to Receive the Torah in the Work?-2“

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