What Does it Mean to Be the People of Israel?

961.1When thinking about how the catastrophe of October 7, this pogrom, could have happened to the people of Israel, you realize that apparently we ourselves allowed it to happen. After all, there is no unification among us as one nation, we do not strive for unity, we neglect each other, and we do not get closer from year to year. We do not meet the requirements that are necessary to be called the people of Israel.

If we were talking about some other nation, then perhaps this would be a normal state of affairs. But Israel became a nation only after it was united. And if there is no unity, then there is no nation—that is the uniqueness of the people of Israel.

Thousands of years ago we agreed to become the chosen people under special conditions. We must not forget about them because they determine the existence of our people who are obliged to be as one man with one heart and as “all of Israel are friends.” We must strive to become more united with every passing year. But the opposite is happening; year after year, there are only more and more street protests, as if the entire country is engaged in a fight between soccer fans after a match.

Therefore, it is not surprising that disaster befalls us. Before it happened, a massive political dispute broke out in the country and stirred up many emotions and aggression. This was the critical point of the internal split.

We need to rise above all disputes. Even though our opinions differ, we maintain good relations. Disagreement does not hinder our good relationships because we feel close and related, like a family in which there is love. Otherwise, we cannot be considered one nation.

From above, there is a desire to show us that nothing will help us if there are no heartfelt relationships between us, the people of Israel, i.e., when I am close to you and you are close to me and so we are all close to each other.
From KabTV’s “An Inside Look” 10/15/23

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