May The Creator Help Us

294.2October 7 will be etched in people’s memories as the day of the most brutal terror in the entire history of the State of Israel. This is the most tragic day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. More than 1,300 people were killed, most of them civilians, and more than 3,000 were wounded. A real “pogrom” was staged.

Young people came to celebrate at a festival of peace, but they were condemned to death. Entire families were killed in their homes without any mercy for children and babies. It always happens that the best are the first to be hit.

When I heard about this catastrophe, I was overcome with enormous, endless, unimaginable grief for the victims. But on the other hand, it is so painful to see that we have fallen into the hole that we dug for ourselves and that we brought ourselves to a terrible state. The Creator, the upper force, turned away from us, and that is why this happened.

We need to take away from this the moral that if there is no connection and unity between us, then such disasters happen to us. This has happened in the past, and this is happening today. If we understand this, then it will never happen again in the future.

It is impossible to believe that this could happen, that there was no army, there were no forces to protect people. But there is simply no unity among the people, which has always been our main strength. Always, when this unity did not exist, catastrophes occurred.

We need to sternly examine our souls, why did this happen? And we need to ask forgiveness from the Creator for not listening to His voice and reaching such disunity and hatred for each other.

I really hope that we can make a great correction by recognizing what happened and making sure it does not happen again. There is only one possibility for correction—connection above all calculations. The same force that the people had in order to go to the streets and throw out their hatred for each other must be turned to the awareness of unity as the only means of salvation. Only unity will help us become the strongest.

I really believe that we will correct our state and understand that we are obliged to return to life the condition we have received to be like one man with one heart, and we will gain the strength to stay in this unity so that we will never be separated again, and especially to such an extent as this happened recently here in Israel. May the Creator help us. Amen.
From KabTV’s “An Inside Look” 10/15/23

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