The Weakening of the Screen

509In the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Baal HaSulam describes a process known as “Hizdakchut of the Masach“—the weakening of the screen.

The point is that when the screen (the anti-egoistic force) begins to operate inside the egoistic desire, the desire and the screen gradually as if weaken each other. Therefore, there is a gradual thinning (weakening) of the screen and a decrease in the size of the Partzuf, that is, the desire that is capable of receiving the light for the sake of bestowal.

Thus, in a person, in any desire, there is a process of the disappearance or diminishment of all screens, Partzufim, Sefirot.

Comment: In principle, in our world, it turns out that if pleasure (light) enters a desire, it immediately extinguishes that desire.

But in the spiritual world, there is a screen that prevents the pleasure from extinguishing. But you said that there is still a process of weakening or disappearing of the screen.

My Response: This happens gradually, because the Light constantly presses and wants to enter fully the desires directly from the world of infinity. And when the screen weakens completely, then the expansion of the light in the Kli ends.

Just like in our world when you start to eat something, you gradually lose the desire, lose the appetite, the craving for food, and it comes to an end. But in spirituality, you consciously limit yourself so as not to receive in your egoistic Kli, and therefore, this restriction gradually reduces portions of the light.

The patent for infinite pleasure lies in the fact that since you cannot receive pleasure in the egoistic Kli, you use the screen to build a new Kli in which you can receive, but only for the sake of bestowal. And since the Creator is infinite, naturally, you can receive pleasure infinitely.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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