Find the Right Solution

530Question: How can we understand whether we have reached a new degree of connection or have simply forgotten the conflict we had? For example, in ordinary life, we fight and after a while we calm down as if nothing had happened. How does it work in the ten?

Answer: This is not how it works in the ten. We should not calm down, but should look for a solution to the issue: let us, despite all our calculations, try to come closer and connect with each other and there we will find the right solution.

In our community, we have to rise above the situation. We should do nothing but ask the Creator to connect us. Despite the fact that there is a problem, the Creator will solve everything: the upper light will come and raise us.

Although all this is still in some abstract categories for us, in feelings it happens exactly in such a way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/18/23, “The Need for the Creator’s Salvation”

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