Causal Similarity

243.01A spiritual Partzuf is a spiritual desire, meaning, a set of forces and vectors that want to work for bestowal, not for reception.

The place where the decision is made about how much light to receive for the sake of bestowal is called the Rosh (head). The part into which this light falls is called the Toch (torso). The part that cannot be used for the sake of the Creator or society is called Sof (lower limbs).

The place where the screen is located—an anti-egoistic quality that allows the creation to do all these calculations—is called the Peh (mouth).

It turns out that the spiritual world is a world of clear calculations. That is the only way it acts.

Question: Is it possible to say that all spiritual forces and vectors, as a cause-and-effect relationship, draw a person into our world? Is that why we see the body of a person who also has a head, mouth, and so on?

Answer: Of course. Our biological body is arranged exactly in accordance with how the upper spiritual body is arranged.

In principle, there is no connection between our biological body and spiritual vectors. It is just that the spiritual body has given certain powers and qualities to create a biological body.

In the spiritual world, there are certain relationships between the head, body, legs, arms, and so on, which are practically embodied in our animal body. This is how we are built. This is a purely causal similarity.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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How Spiritual Life Is Born

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