Now We Are just Beasts

272Question: What kind of movie would you like to make, one that would really work? What should it lead to?

Answer: I have not seen a movie like that, that would change people and lead them to some serious internal changes.

Question: But would you like for such a movie to exist?

Answer: Of course! Who would not want that? Practically everyone wants a good future. But I do not know.

Question: Are you saying that if a movie would change a person, then you are for such a movie?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: You have said more than once that we are as if in a theater right now.

My Response: We see that this does not change us either.

Question: If so, the first condition is that a movie should change a person, then next is from whom to whom, from what to what?

Answer: From who one is now. Now, a person is just a beast that thinks only about oneself and cannot think about others. Or if he can think about others, then only in the form in which what he does to them will return to him.

That is, if a person is actually given absolute freedom, he will be completely indifferent to everything around him except to the extent that the immediate surroundings will be pleasant to his eye.

Comment: This is the man of today.

My Response: This is man.

Question: We are talking about correction. What should this beast come to?

Answer: To begin to understand that the most important thing is when your joy is in others. For this, it is necessary to change the nature of man.

Question: “Your joy is in others”—what do you mean by this?

Answer: It means that when others feel good, you feel good. But how can this be? It is the other way around. You can be happy, on the contrary, that you are better than others, that they are worse than you.

Question: I see. One way or another you always lower others so that they are lower than you, right?

Answer: Naturally. Instead, you should raise them above you.

Question: Is this the main change? If there were this kind of movie that directs a person in this way, are you for such a movie?

Answer: I am for such a movie, but it would not be successful.

Question: Financially?

Answer: It would not have any success. No one would be enthusiastic about it.

Comment: So, you do not want to dream, you are going back to reality.

My Response: For a long time I cannot dream, I am not young anymore, to put it mildly.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/18/23

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