The Power of Cinematography

 Comment: When a person watches a movie, he becomes permeated with the desire of the main character, he worries, cries, and feels the pain that the character feels. How does this principle work?

My Response: This is an attempt to get into a different character, connect with it, imagine yourself in his place, and put on his life. Each of us has such an attempt, without which we would not be connected to each other. But for this, we need an auxiliary tool—empathy.

Therefore, theater, cinema, and video clips have a very serious influence and strong means of perceiving someone through a visual image.

Therefore, we need to show the society of the future what principles it works on, what relationships exist between people, and how they come to the society of the future in a good way.

It can be done through war, but clearly, these are terrible sufferings that will force humanity to agree to anything just to stop suffering. But to come to it in a good way, it is necessary to be aware of this process and its desirability, not even because I want to escape from suffering, but because I see a great light in it.

It would be great to implement this idea in the cinema.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Power of Cinematography” 7/31/11

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