Subtleties of Virtual Dissemination

962.7Question: Among your students there is a certain understanding of going out to the masses. Ninety percent of Kabbalistic material is intended for inner development, but many people think that they are engaged in external dissemination. How can you protect yourself from this?

Answer: All this will be formed simultaneously. A teacher cannot work without students nor students without a teacher.

Once they receive some knowledge, everything else is attained in practical work. They have to work with virtual networks, with the population. Gradually, as the virtual community develops, we will be able to speak differently and open up.

When you start working with a small child, you communicate with him at his level: toys, dolls, cubes, and so on. You are slowly pulling him up, giving him more abstract toys, more complex tasks based not on his primitive feelings, but by requiring some kind of mental work.

You need to develop him gradually from simple soft toys to cubes, from cubes to drawing, from drawing to logic, and so on.

All this must be formed! Today we have to work with “soft toys”;  we have to show people on social networks what they want to see, and to add our ideas into it a little bit, about half a percent.

Question: How can we protect this child from burning down the apartment or kindergarten?

Answer: He will not burn anything. The only thing he can do is throw you away and come back to himself again. Then the suffering will beat him until he hears you again, until you come a little closer to him and you coincide with each other.

This is how we have to go together at every level. Here everything depends on how much he feels suffering and is ready to listen, and how much you can lower yourself and become such that he will hear you.

Question: You have students who are like little children to you. How can these little children not get into trouble so as not to negatively affect other children who are even younger?

Answer: They will not mess up! Because the path of suffering is the worst path. Eventually, we will raise humanity by our own efforts and lead it upward. There is nothing worse than sitting and doing nothing.

Therefore, we should try to disseminate by all means. Something drips somewhere and breaks through somewhere. Perhaps not now, but it will still remain online, and suddenly in a few years, it will begin to manifest itself. People will start to remember!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Going Out” 7/30/11

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