Targeted Pain

232.01Comment: You said that when a person feels pain, he is deliberately hidden from the Creator so that he does not harm himself.

My Response: If a person feels pain, it means that he is opposite from the Creator, nature, the quality of bestowal. Then, in order not to harm his attitude to the general system of nature, he forgets that he is in it at all and just goes deeper into pain.

Comment: But the pain should not be very strong.

My Response: No, you do not know nature. The pain can be severe to such an extent that a person will beg for death and will not be able to die.

Question: And what kind of pain allows him to wake up after all?

Answer: If while working in a group to unite with his friends he sees that he is not moving forward to connect with them, then this causes him pain. Meaning, it is a purposeful pain coming from the right goal, the right movement forward, the right vector. Then this pain is useful. It is called suffering from love, not just suffering.

When you want to be connected with the whole of humanity in one single system and feel that you are not able to—your body, your desire, your egoistic qualities do not allow you to do this—then your suffering is correct because it leads you to the need to correct yourself.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Pain = Help From the System” 8/29/11

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