No Need to Get Used to the Bad!

272I hope that we will be able to tell everyone in  the world about what they must do to make them feel good, and in such a way that they will not immediately reject it, but will try to understand, learn, and hear.

If this happens, then it will be good, and we will smoothly move the potential barrier to the next level. If not, then it will be bad, and we will have to wade through the thorns of wars, barricades, coups, bloody murders, or anything that can happen for any reason.

After all, due to the lack of a real and reasonable way out of the situation that has arisen, an explosion occurs from the social pressure accumulated inside: from bitterness, fears, depressions, and the inability to remain in this state any longer. Then death is better than living in such a state all of the time. I am very afraid of this.

Question: Do you think that communicating with a person through a crisis and explaining the causes of it is an effective method? Or are there some things that can attract a person more?

Answer: I do not want to communicate with anyone through the crisis! I did not create it, as parents sometimes deliberately arrange such tricks for children so that they pay attention to something or do something else. We just want to explain to people what the cause of their condition is. We do not create these conditions ourselves!

A person does not need anything except to get out of the crisis. And he only thinks about having more money, power, fame, knowledge, pleasure, and so on. In general, he wants to absorb everything in this world so that it is in front of him as a free choice. Nothing else! These are his needs.

People need to understand why they are unable to satisfy their needs while working today, and many of them have ceased to want to satisfy them at all and are depressed.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Getting Used to Suffering” 7/23/11

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