The Most Terrible Punishment

547.06Question: If punishments are forbidden in Judaism, then how can it be avoided that a person might abuse the fact that he will not be punished?

Answer: In Judaism, the most terrible punishment has always been public opinion, censure, excommunication from society, and expulsion from it.

Children were specially brought up in love and respect for parents and relatives: “These are your distant relatives, this is your community, your people. You have to think this way, you have to help everyone.”

There should be no beggars in the society! Everyone should have food! If a husband dies, be sure to help the woman and the children. There was a duty to marry all the girls and teach children literacy and mathematics. Everyone must learn! And so on, and so on.

That is, a huge number of auxiliary systems were created, such as today’s social organizations. All this has existed for a long time, long before the exile of the people.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Prison” 8/16/11

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