Climbing a Steep Staircase

709We have gone through the stages of evolution from inanimate, vegetative, and animate, and after the animate, from monkeys, we physically turned into what we call people.

And now we must turn into people on another level, the spiritual level, because man (Adam) comes from the word “adomeh” – similar to nature, i.e., a huge integral connection, which we must become like. We must become harmonious, connected, balanced, like nature, one with it. This is the union with the Creator since nature is the Creator.

But this can be achieved only through examples of unity between us. When we unite among ourselves, then it will be the absolute equivalent of our unity with nature. This is the whole Kabbalah, there is nothing else.

This is the elevation to the next level of evolution. Today we literally stand on this step, gradually bringing one leg to the next step up, and we do not have enough strength to throw the other leg up. Here either a blow from behind by a world war or something else awaits us, or we ourselves will nevertheless stretch forward and be able to do it.

We know how hard it is to climb stairs, especially for the elderly. They cling to the railing and pull themselves up with a stick. They need to be taken by the hand and helped. That is how all of humanity is.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Balance or ballast” 8/31/11

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