Signs of Kosher Animals

559Question: Why is pork considered forbidden meat for Jews and Muslims?

Answer: A pig is no worse than any other animal; it just has a cloven hoof. What are the signs of animals being kosher? The fact that the animal has a Parsa, a division on the hoof.

In spirituality Parsa means division between the pure worlds of Adam Kadmon and Atzilut and the impure worlds of Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya.

Therefore, the separation on the hoof is a sign that the animal is clean. In addition, ruminants have a closed cycle of digestion; they chew food and swallow, chew again and swallow. This means that the light rises from the worlds of Beria upward to the world of Atzilut and descends back, rises again, and descends again.

If an animal has such qualities in our world, it means that in spirituality, respectively, it is in a corrected animal state, and it can be consumed.

But this is still not enough. It must be slaughtered correctly so that it will not feel it; meaning, the artery needs to be cut acutely and the blood needs to be drained. In other words, not to kill it with a gun, not with an axe to the head, but specifically in such a gentle way. It is believed that if an animal feels frightened during the slaughter, then its meat is no longer kosher and is not suitable for human consumption because the fear experienced by the animal can be transmitted to the consumer.

From a spiritual point of view, this means that if you wrongly kill your egoistic desire on the animate level and want to raise it to the human level so that the human level in you uses it, then you must prepare it in the right way so that no damages remain in it.

Interestingly, the only wild animal that can be eaten by killing with an arrow is a deer because it is so kosher. The fact is that deer have a special spiritual root.

As for fish, they should have scales, which symbolizes the screen of the spiritual Kli (vessel), and a fin that shows it how to steer. Fins and scales are indicators of kosher fish suitable for human consumption.

It does not matter how fish have been caught and killed. It can fall asleep without the oxygen it gets through its gills. It does not matter because the fish is not on the same level as the animal. You can cook it in any way.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kosher Pork?” 7/16/11

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