Practical Kabbalah: Ascent and Connection

528.03Comment: You said that Rabbi Shimon and his disciples, who wrote The Book of Zohar, were together by force.

My Response: When the students of Rashbi wrote The Book of Zohar, they felt hatred growing between them and built a bridge of love over it.

As it is said: “Love will cover all crimes.” Because egoism is not destroyed but overcome. The more the ego grows, the higher a person rises above it. This is called “Climbing Mount Sinai” (“Sina”—from the word “hate”).

You are rising precisely because of this hatred, which is symbolized by the Tower of Babel. The Babylonians built it higher and higher wanting to raise their egoism above the sky.

Question: If students are in this state, is it good?

Answer: It is good when hatred is revealed, which can be used as love. We cover mutual hatred with a screen, we build a spiritual vessel with huge egoistic desires inside and a screen above them.

Question: How is the screen built?

Answer: Due to the similarity between us, the screen is the right connection between people. This is practical Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Pain = Help From the System” 8/29/11

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