If Everyone Thought about One Thing

938.01Question: According to Kabbalah, collective thought is very effective. For example, if we have some important meeting related to dissemination, we ask everyone to think about it. What is happening at this time?

Answer: There are not some secret or mystical forces that begin to work, but desires that are connected together because our thoughts and feelings connect with each other.

Imagine if all the people on earth thought about one thing at the same time, what a power it would be! Especially here, when we need to think about bestowing, of course we need each other’s help.

It is written about this in all Kabbalistic articles about the group. What else is the purpose of the group if not strengthening my desire due to the fact that the desires of others are adjacent to mine because by them we are connected with each other?

There are many scientific studies on this topic today that prove all people are connected in desires and thoughts.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Thought” 7/23/11

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