Against One’s Will

557Question: When a person goes against his will by force, does it mean that he is doing some spiritual work? And if he does what he likes according to his desire, then does he not advance at all?

Answer: Why should he do something against his will? No.

Perhaps there are such moments, but in principle, nothing should be forced. It all depends on the importance of the goal. If the goal is important and I feel it as important, then for me it is just a song, a fairy tale, I move forward with joy.

Question: Very often I hear the phrase “go against your will.” Meaning, is it recommended to organize such games so that a person supposedly goes against his will?

Answer: These games are needed only so that we can speed up our journey, so that I can see how much I am under the force of these desires, how weak I am, and that should join the group faster, rely on my friends, get strength, elevation, and greatness of the spiritual goal from them.

Question: What is the solution? To go, but effectively with the desire? Or go against the will, and do unusual work?

Answer: It is this way and that way. It is impossible to go only against desires by force.

If you can overcome yourself, it means that you have found a more important goal in yourself than the one that exists at the moment. That is the point. If I am lazy, I do not want to do anything, then I have to enter into an environment that would give me the importance of the spiritual goal and spiritual development. Then it will not be hard for me to do everything.

And if I do it only involuntarily, physically, then this is a preliminary stage, a very weak inclusion in development.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Against my Will” 7/16/11

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