How To Start a Dialogue with The Creator

125Question: You said that the Creator and I will be in the same connection as like talking to a person. How can such communication be imagined in the center of the ten where we unite? How does our interaction with this center with this connection happen?

Answer: If you connect with each other in the ten, then to this extent you can connect with the Creator and start a dialogue with Him. And then you have to identify what questions you have. Write them down, scrutinize them between yourselves, and with whatever you find necessary to appeal to the Creator, that is what you address Him with. These can be questions, wishes, all kinds of greetings. Only in short and from all together.

Question: And what I feel from the connection, and I turn from this connection to Him, does that count? Or do we need to formulate a question literally in the ten?

Answer: It is better if you formulate a question, discuss it, and only then ask it together.

Question: What does it mean that Kabbalists ask the Creator a question from the connection? What are they waiting for? Do they want to hear the answer, feel it, see it?

Answer: This is the rise of MAN, the rise of Hisaron, the rise of desire, the rise of what they lack, to get closer to the Creator.

The goal is to get closer to the Creator. Rapprochement can be in the equivalence of qualities. So, all the questions are about how similar our desires are to the desires of the Creator.

Question: Is this a request: “Help us to come to the similarity of You,” or “Tell me how to do it”?

Answer: All this. Only if this is your joint desire, which you have discussed with each other, formalized, and are now raising it together to the Creator, then it will definitely find a place for Him and invoke an answer.

Comment: You said earlier that there will be the same communication with the Creator as with a person.

My Response: Of course. It is even said: “So that the Creator is not a stranger to you.”

Question: How will we feel the connection with the Creator, His answer? What will it be expressed in?

Answer: Ask and start feeling in yourself, start looking in yourself: “In what thoughts, feelings can I sense the Creator? He sent it to me; He definitely sent me an answer right away. And where can I find it within me, in what code, in what language? How is this done?” It is like in computers. It is necessary to look for it: where is His answer?

You can have it in your thoughts, in your intentions, in your connections with your friends. Start digging, poking around.

Question: If He has already sent an answer, when did He send it?

Answer: He has no time, no problems. Usually, His answer is ready before you ask. Because your question also comes from Him, from the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/21/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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