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549.02Question: You told us that once when you and Rabash were driving somewhere, your car suddenly stalled. Then Rabash read TES and the car started. This, in principle, is perceived as a miracle. Did the Kabbalist somehow influence this?

Answer: Yes he did. So what? He could in a particular form influence the engine, but not me. Then he would take away my freewill.

Question: That is, a Kabbalist can influence some kind of inanimate level?

Answer: This is not about whether he can or cannot do that! You can do your child’s homework from school instead of him. But what is the point? What will he do on the exams?

Question: But if people who are on the inanimate level behave like robots, does it mean that a Kabbalist can influence them?

Answer: What for? Man, during tens of thousands of years of his development from fossil species to our time and beyond, must develop only under the influence of nature. There should be no influence of people on him from the side; there is no coercion in spirituality.

By doing this, you are depriving him of the opportunity to grow further. If you solve a problem instead of him, you remove an obstacle before him, and that’s it, he is no longer ready to advance further. He will not be able to!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hidden wonders” 8/5/11

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