Correctly Realize Your Inclinations

600.02Question: Does it harm a person to be changed, for example, from left-handed to a right-handed?

Answer: Of course, any intrusion in the natural inclinations of a person is harmful. We must give a person the right to freely develop his or her qualities and based on them participate in the general correction of all mankind and the common soul. It is then that we will be able to realize everyone correctly and achieve harmony.

Therefore, Kabbalistic education is based on the fact that in no case do we get inside a person and say what is bad in him and what is good. We only fill him with knowledge from the inside, and he will realize this knowledge as soon as he can.

Question: So it does not matter if a child is right-handed or left-handed?

Answer: It does not matter at all with what inclinations a person was born. He may be weak, clumsy, limited, not brilliant, but if he fulfills his purpose and realizes himself, he reaches his perfection.

Then, in a spiritual state, he feels absolutely like everyone else. After all, if he was created with such qualities and this is exactly what is part of him in the common soul, then he does not need anything else. He attains the same perfection as the highest righteous souls. Absolutely the same because the system is integral.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Left-handed and Right-handed” 8/11/11

Related Material:
Left-Handed and Right-Handed
Symbiosis of the Right and Left Lines
“Can Left Handedness Be Corrected? If Yes, How?” (Quora)

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