Doubts along the Path

963.4Question: Did your teacher motivate you in any way to do spiritual work?

Answer: Not really. All of that has to come from the person himself!

Do not think that being next to a teacher like Rabash means a free ride to the upper world! No. It is a very difficult state. Personally, I would not advise it to anyone!

Comment: But your students already feel some sort of belonging to the spiritual path.

My Response: That is their business. If they listen to me and try in their soul to be together with what I am explaining, what I am leading them to, then yes. And if not, then no. I do not pressure anyone and do not force anyone. Any person can leave tomorrow, saying: “Sorry but this is not for me.” Is anyone going to keep him here? Never. No one gives you a guarantee for anything.

Comment: But you say that the worst thing a person can do is leave.

My Response: It is the worst thing for them, of course. Because the person then returns to the animate existence.

Question: But in some cases the person comes back some time later?

Answer: A person does not leave completely. He retains some kind of sensation that he did not leave, that he is a little on the side, but in general, he is in it. I often meet such people. They say: “You think I do not remember? I will come back. I am just going through a period like this right now.” And years go by.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Entrance to the Spirituality” 7/30/11

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