In One Bundle

557Question: Does everything that happens in the world mean that I am shown what I am ready to see and I have to sort of take it and accept this picture for myself?

Answer: You must understand that to the extent you, who are in an integral system, behave in a more integrated way with others, you and everyone around you will be able to achieve a more blissful state.

You cannot separate yourself from others. If it is bad for them, it will also be bad for you.

We are in a system where we are completely dependent on others, and what I wish for them, I will get the same part from them. This is how the world is arranged. You can disagree with this, shout, and swear, but it will be only in this way.

Question: What should be my reaction to what is happening?

Answer: What does nature care about your reaction? It sets new conditions for you, and that is it; you need to react. If you do not want to, do not react, be extinct like mammoths.

Question: What actions should I make upon myself?

Answer: Transform yourself and the surrounding society.

Question: How will I transform the surrounding society?

Answer: Together with them. Explain to them that transformation is necessary.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who is to Blame for the Pogroms?” 8/13/11

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